wimmin@work 2018 highlights
Wimmin of all generations come together to acknowledge that we stand on the mighty and magnificent shoulders of wimmin artists, educators, mentors, family and friends. Let’s celebrate and share our creative endeavors in the way we do best, by being wimmin@work!
wimmin@work 2017 Article
"Poise and Passion Black Women in Performance"

The 8th Annual wimmin@work celebration!
Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 2 PM
wimmin@work 2024 highlights
Theater artist - Dorothy N. Clark, violinist - Sophia Gee, vocalist - Makeda Johnson, KT Dance Collective, spoken word poet and Em Cee - Kimberly McCrae, writer/activist/herbalist - Alexis McKenney, dancer/choreographer - Ife Presswood, dancer/poet - SevTheFairy,
and performance writer - Andrea E. Woods Valdés
The inaugural wimmin@work brave wimmin award
Honoring Toni K. Hall and Sadiyah Shakur for their work as wimmin illuminating our community and our lives
NEW!! wimmin@workshops 5-6 pm
All are welcome to attend! ($10 w/o performance purchase)
Stay after the show and participate in a writing or dance wimmin@workshop free with the performance ticket purchase.
My Own Words: Speaking Our Truths Our Way with Kimberly McCrae
-Maya Angelou said, "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you." This wimmin@workshop encourages radical truth-telling and compassionate exploration of the self as an individual and part of our communities. Bring your own poetry, spoken word, and stories to work and share.
Fem Grooves wimmin@workshop with Ife Presswood - an open-level movement workshop that explores possibilities of feminine expression and embodiment. Movers engage in basic Vouge Femme, Afro-Diasporic and Hip-Hop styles through choreography. All are welcome!
$10. Includes 3 PM performance and a 5 PM post-performance dance or writing wimmin@workshop for audience members.
Free for children under 12
wimmin@work 2023
6 Years Strong!
A wimmin's herstory month celebration
This year’s wimmin brings a range of eclectic performances: dance, song, poetry theater, healing, and music.
Featuring work by
Jackie Bennett, Calabasa Calabasa: Dancing and Making the Music of Life, Dorothy Clark, Sandra Dubose, Empower Dance, Kimberly Gaubault, Mabinti/Kemi Healing, Jasmine Powell, Linda Faye Riggins, and Nicole “Pinky” Thomas
Beautiful wimmin-made items for sale in the
lobby marketplace at 2 pm -show begins at 3 pm
at the Hayti Heritage Center
807 Old Fayetteville St
Durham, NC 27701 919-683-1709
$10. Free for children under 12
Co-produced by Hayti Heritage Center and SOULOWORKS/Andrea E. Woods
Why this project? In short wimmin@work 2016 was conceived of as a way to say, “Hey sister wimmin artists, I see you out there working away, and I want the best for you as I do for myself.” I wanted to reach back to my teachers, students, mentors, ancestors, friends and family and say, “Because of you I do this thing called making art and when I speak the world speaks back. Thank you for that gift!” When I asked many wimmin friends in the area, “What are you doing for wimmin’s herstory month? Let’s make something happen.” The overwhelming response was, “Yes, let’s do something together.” Many of are working hard and to make life happen that we have become isolated, even as we work for and speak of community and social engagement. So here we are, taking a breather to enjoy what we do and to notice the work that goes on around us.
wimmin@work is an amalgamation of wimmin artists working independently in their lives and art. We come together to acknowledge one another and to say, “Thank you” to our respective communities and sources of inspiration. Many of us did not know one another before the show but your presence with us affirms that creativity is meant to share, multiply and grow. Thank you for becoming the community that receives our gratitude. Thank you for being a witness and celebrant of wimmin@work!
-Artistic Director, Andrea E. Woods Valdés